Behind the Name: Life Through Music & Fashion

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La Vie En MODE is a movement, a motion, a way to see life, and we each have unique lenses on. These lenses are molded by experiences, environments, and thought processes, and they affect how we view the everyday.


la vie en


  1. seeing life through …


[mōd], NOUN

  1. a way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done

  2. a fashion or style in clothes, art, literature, etc.

  3. a set of musical notes forming a scale and from which melodies and harmonies are constructed

To look at life through the lense of MODE means to see potential and beauty in everything and to use our creativity to draw that beautiful potential out. For us, this beauty is often found in what we see and what we hear. We hope you join us and enjoy music and fashion, the way we see it.

Winter Season

This WINTER we are inspired by bright colors and bold patterns. We want to bring light and fun into a darker time of the year. With articles on some of our muses (Alexa Chung, Carol Kaye, Maggie Rogers, our own Hannah Rexinger), our favorite events to spark creativity (we’re talking about you, Coollab Project & Mo’ Betta Mondays), and the bands and musicians that get us up on our feet dancing around in our PJ’s (hello Pajama Discoteque playlist on our Spotify) we know your winter blues will turn into a sparkly spectrum of color very, very soon.

