A Letter to Valentine’s Day + Our Playlists

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Oh Valentine’s Day… Our feelings for you are so conflicted. Are you a sweet day full of love and cuteness? Or are you a purely consumeristic holiday meant to make those who are lonely feel even more lonely one more day out of the year? You’re so loud and demand your arrival each year with hearts, chocolate, shades of pink, and flowers. It’s impossible to miss you!

So since we can’t avoid you, we have decided to make the best of your holiday by celebrating the little things, like the love found in each sunrise, each well read book and overplayed song, in the lavender matcha latte made by a barista who really cares, and in the oh so reliable excitement from your puppy each time you walk in the door. We’ve learned that love is not only found in the people who surround you but can be found in a million different beautiful moments. We are challenging ourselves and our MODE Maker community to look for love everywhere and to be the love that the world so desperately needs. You are so loved, please never forget it.

Love, The Mode Team


Our Love Song Choices


The Anti Valentine’s Day playlist is full of self-care songs, break up songs, and songs that just help you let go. Not feeling excited about Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be so negative, (but in our present society it seems like that’s the only way to feel during this time) it can instead be a time to heal and find love in little moments. For this MODE Board we use empowering photos and a cool tone color palette for those who aren’t so into this day.

This playlist is for the times when screaming into a pillow doesn’t cut it but singing someone else’s words gets it right.  We’ve all been hurt in some way or another, and sometimes the most empowering thing to do is talk about it, name it, sing it, let it go out from yourself into the world outside of you so it can no longer have a hold over you. Here’s to being strong and to being loved and to being lovely no matter the circumstances!


Our Valentine’s Day playlist represents the ethereal, dazey feeling you get when you’re in love and also the fun that comes along with being in a relationship. Red and pink are the major colors we use in our MODE Board to emulate the love we feel on this day.

This playlist is for the rosy cheeks, for the fluttering stomachs, for the thinking-about-him / dreaming-about-her dizziness. Being in love is so good there’s no way to describe it, but these songs sure give it a good shot. And listening to other people’s stories about love can sometimes make your heart sing almost just as much as being in love yourself.