WEDNESDAY WONDERINGS - How Cute Is Maggie Rogers????


Not only does she sing so sweetly, namely proving her incredible talent with her new album “Heard It In A Past Life,” but she’s also talented at being a person. Need proof? Well here you have it:

Maggie Rogers is relatively new on the scene, but recently she has captured the hearts of many (including an adorable UPS man….see below) and has earned their attention.

In a video where Pharrell visits a class of music students, one in particular catches his attention, around 18:15. She tells him that she grew up in a very rural area on the coast of Maryland, originally making folk music with her banjo. But later she went to NYU and cites her time studying abroad in France as a formative experience that led her to better understanding of herself and her capabilities as an artist. She found a deep connection to the dance music in france, quite a juxtaposition to the natural landscapes she was used to, as she explains French music is incredibly “unnatural and artificial” - nonetheless, she says during her stay it became natural to her. From there, her art has developed into something new and beautiful as the “backbone and energy of dance music” formed to her experiences being connected with nature and folk music.

Just LOOK at Pharrell’s face when he first hears her music -


He is all of us. And here are a few reasons why we can’t stop being obsessed with her:

  1. She doesn’t let the h8trs get to her

After posting on Instagram about her performance on Ellen, she respectfully declined to take sh*t. When someone commented “For me you are boring.” She responds simply, “be gone troll !!” Legendary.


2. She’s BFFs with HAIM (AKA the coolest girl group out there right now since TLC) and Lizzo (one of the most girl-power-flaunting queens who can also rap like nobody’s business)

She toured with them for a bit, as well as opening for Mumford and Sons. WHAT!

3. ThE fReCkLeS

She commonly wears these pigtail braids, and it’s like the cutest thing ever. Paired with the freckles?? She’s like Pippi Longstockings in the best way possible. I mean, legend has it Pippi was incredibly strong despite her size and she makes her clothes out of scraps… fashionable, confident, smart?? I think yes!

4. Her stage outfits????? WOW

Reminiscent of Matisse’s collage art and inspired by the earth and its movement, her style steals the show. A lot of these incredible designs are made by Christian Joy, an artist who also created stage outfits for the YeahYeahYeahs, Childish Gambino, Alabama Shakes, Esperanza Spalding, Lucius, Santigold, and many more. She pairs these looks with electric blue or glittery eyeshadow, or sometimes barely wears any makeup at all, like on her SNL performance. Which leads us to my next two points…

5. She barely wears makeup and still looks like a goddess


6. She performed on SNL

and on another note,

7. She befriended an adorable UPS man

When UPS came to her door to drop off the first physical copy she had gotten mailed on vinyl of her record, the UPS guy was almost more excited than she was

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8. She reminds me of the kind of person who’s your 16 year old next door neighbor when you’re 9 years old and you look up to her so much you cry to your mom about how you want to cut your hair like hers and wear makeup like she does and your older brother to marry her so you can be sisters

9. She did a cover of the Spice Girls at Firefly festival

10. Yeah. I “wannabe” her forreals.