Monochrome Is In!

Yes, we’ve all seen the jean on jean trend, like that iconic photo of JT and Britney that has inspired many -


But what’s even more of a bold fashion statement, and something that has been becoming more popular, is monochrome. And good for us, it’s not that hard to pull off! And I want to give you a few tips to make it yours and make it good.

  1. Differ the shades


You don’t always have to wear *exactly* the same color, unless it’s black or white - these generally have to be the exact same shade or it will look like, for black, one of the items is washed out or, for white, one of the items is dirty. But colors like grey especially should never really be worn together. Don’t ask why. Just know that when I was in school, there was an instagram account dedicated to “groutfits,” AKA people spotted around campus who looked like walking sweatpants. - @groutfitsofucla

2. Differ the textures

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Adding an essence of plaid or fluff brings some dimension to the outfit to make it less flat.

3. Accessories work too!

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Okay, I do not have yellow pants. But I do have yellow sunglasses and a yellow sweater and a funny story about yellow pants. When I was in sixth grade, my friend Brooke and I were obsessed with the 80s. I originally typed more about the depth of that obsession but have now redacted it for the sake of my pride. Anyways, our birthdays are a few days apart, so we had a joint twelfth birthday party, a a peace-sign, yellow and purple (our favorite colors) themed party. She wore purple pants, and I wore yellow pants. Her peace-sign birthday cake was yellow, and mine was purple. Still the best birthday party I’ve ever had to this date. But, the last time I ever bought yellow pants.

In conclusion, I do not own yellow pants, but it’s possible to make do with accessories when it comes to monochrome style! You don’t have to fully commit to it, you can still make simple choices that elevate your outfit

5. It works with more than just pants

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Though monochromatic style is most easily attained with a graphic T and a pair of cute pants, skirts and dresses can totally work too. In this case, however, pattern on pattern or too much texture can cause a little too much going on since a skirt is already a lot to look at. This is when layering really becomes important to bring out the best parts and hide some of the business. Monochrome is about bold simplicity that brings out the structure, proportions, and shape of the clothes you’re wearing, and in the right combinations it can really make you stand out, by ironically looking plain!

6. It’s accessible!

It’s super easy to find items in your own closet that can make a really cool monochromatic outfit, but if you’re having trouble there are some great brands that make it easy! Besides good ol’ Pacsun back in the day with their brightly colored jeggings, here are some brands that are doing monochrome right now that look so cool:


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Paloma Wool

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When I was in junior high, I had four different pairs of converse, one in bright green, one purple, one black, and one red...and embarrassingly enough, I also had ribbons matching each of these colors that I would wear in my hair, pretty much almost every day. Monochrome matching goes way back for me, and now that it’s becoming a trend again, I’m excited to redeem myself. Hoping you all can feel more confident and know that matchy-matchy isn’t always a bad thing!

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Happy matching!

xoxo, Han