Get Up and Get Going!

Good morning & welcome back to hump day’s

Get Up And Get Going!

This week, I bring you a quote and artwork from Sydney-based artist Martina Martian:

You are much more than what you managed to achieve today. Have you been hard on yourself lately? Sometimes I need a reminder that I’m much more than what I can make, earn, achieve, tick off from a list etc. Your value as a human is not based on your productivity and $$$.
— Martina Martian

She said it. You are much more than what you do, don’t do, almost do, or never do -- don’t get caught up in finding your identity in things that are just things! When you place too much power in the hands of what you make or the circumstances and inanimate or even animate objects around you, you’ll fail because they always will. Leave room to breathe and be just you without all those things around you that try and tell you that you need them to survive.

The truth is that you don’t need to check off that thing on your to-do list to be important, sorry! I know your notepad is probably really cute and you use your favorite pen to write on it, but it’s no more important than a gust of wind. Those things are only a vapor, there and then gone; it’s like chasing wind.

So dig deep in yourself instead and Get Up And Get Going because YOU can. Get up and get going to push yourself to be a better version of yourself, whether that means doing something or just taking a day of rest (because sometimes that’s really what we need to get back to being ourselves). Your value is not based on productivity because you are naturally valuable no matter what you do, you are naturally valuable no matter who you are - because you are a human, and no matter how many times you slip up, that fact is still precious and so are you.