Get Up And Get Going!

We all know Wednesdays can be a little rough - you suffered through Monday and made it through to the other side, but there’s still a few more days until the weekend. So let me be your guru, your (amateur-still-trying-to-figure-it-out-myself) laziness tutor of sorts. Let me guide you to unflinching bliss and confident strength in who you are and what you’re doing - even when what you’re doing might be boring or frustrating and who you are isn’t quite who you want to be yet.

First, let me tell you that where you are now is where you are supposed to be. Because where you are now is preparing you for who you will be tomorrow and what you do now is formed by and in spite of the days before it. Every day matters even when that day is spent lying in bed watching Friends (and those days are definitely just as important too).

So here’s a little Wednesday motivation for you to Get Up and Get Going - to accomplish that to-do list, to make it through that long work day, to leave your house for even a few minutes, to be Makers!

And this week, I bring you the brilliant, talented, charming, and ever-so wise John Mayer -

In his own words:

Believe in yourself, and accessorize.

Throw on a sassy shade of lipstick, a pair of statement earrings, or for all you guys out there: that cool pair of sneakers you keep on the top shelf of your closet and clean after every wear. Don’t use clothes to disguise what you’re feeling on the inside, but use them at least to help you get there, to feeling how you want to feel and being where you want to be.